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Beast without beauty
Free event
Carlo Massari, Emanuele Rosa, Giuseppina Randi
With a firm, cold, icy, merciless look at a society that repeats over time the same mistakes incapable of learning, unable to change its trajectories. An irreverent, cynical study, sometimes macabre, ...
Name: C&C
Address: Via Poggio 1 - 40064 Ozzano dell'Emilia (BO)
C&C Company nasce dall’unione tra Carlo Massari e Chiara Taviani, danzatori e performer dalla
formazione eclettica notati nell’ultimo decennio sui palcoscenici nazionali e internazionali anche
come interpreti di diverse compagnie. Dal 2011 formano una coppia artistica e guidano la
compagnia che porta come sigla le iniziali dei loro nomi di battesimo. Subito riconosciuti dalla
critica per vis artistica nonché coerenza drammaturgica, gli spettacoli di C&C Company - Corpo
e Cultura, Maria Addolorata, Tristissimo, 012, Peurbleue, Don’t be afraid - hanno ottenuto
anche i favori del pubblico, sempre attratto da un teatro-danza comunicativo e profondo come
il loro. Alla base l’interesse per la danza, e in generale dei differenti linguaggi artistici, come
mezzo di comunicazione ed espressione di tematiche sociali contemporanee. Dal 2017 la
direzione artistica della Compagnia è affidata interamente a Carlo Massari.
Title: Beast without beauty
Of: C&C
Direction: Carlo Massari
Dramaturgy: Carlo Massari
Actors: Carlo Massari, Emanuele Rosa, Giuseppina Randi
Genre: Dance
credits: With a firm, cold, icy, merciless look at a society that repeats over time the same mistakes incapable of learning, unable to change its trajectories. An irreverent, cynical study, sometimes macabre, sometimes comical, on the archetypes of human misery, on the despicable cruelty - even in interpersonal relationships - that leads to wars, massacres and genocide. A dance theater show with strong images with themes that touch the deep, images that overturn certainties and upset emotions. A story about the fragility of the time that surrounds us, subject to the risk of new totalitarianism, a comedy of the absurd with a post- existentialist flavor like Beckett’s theatre but with an authentic black irony that acts as a counterpoint to the fascination of the absurd, to become cynical and opportunistic in the face of death to the point of contradicting and betraying their playmates.
With a firm, cold, icy, merciless look at a society that repeats over time the same mistakes incapable of learning, unable to change its trajectories. An irreverent, cynical study, sometimes macabre, sometimes comical, on the archetypes of human misery, on the despicable cruelty - even in interpersonal relationships - that leads to wars, massacres and genocide. A dance theater show with strong images with themes that touch the deep, images that overturn certainties and upset emotions. A story about the fragility of the time that surrounds us, subject to the risk of new totalitarianism, a comedy of the absurd with a post- existentialist flavor like Beckett’s theatre but with an authentic black irony that acts as a counterpoint to the fascination of the absurd, to become cynical and opportunistic in the face of death to the point of contradicting and betraying their playmates.
Event organised by
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