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Younes El Bouzari e Agata Tomšič
A story about Libya, Libya the real one, that of the Libyans of the queues outside the banks to get a currency that no longer has value. The Libya of the boys who fought against the Gheddafi regime an...

Name: ErosAntEros
Address: c/o CRESCO, via Sant'Agata 36 - 48121 Ravenna (RA)
ErosAntEros was born from the meeting of Davide Sacco, stage director, and Agata Tomšič, actress and dramaturg, in January 2010. Their artistic research brings forward an engaged theater that does not give up the aesthetic value of form, in a strong relation whit the history, the present and the places in which is created, with the aim to connect theater to life and make the imagination a weapon to transform reality.Over the years they have been produced and supported by important theatrical institutions, such as ERT-Emilia Romagna Teatro / Teatro Nazionale (Allarms!), TNL-Théâtre National du Luxembourg (CONFINI), Ravenna Festival (1917, CONFINI), Campania Teatro Festival (CONFINI), Teatro della Toscana (Disconcert for rights), TPE-Teatro Piemonte Europa (We want everything!), Teatro della Tosse (CONFINI).Since 2018 they are directing POLIS Teatro Festival in Ravenna, programming artists of international importance and implementing participatory projects that involve citizens.
Title: LIBYA
Of: ErosAntEros
Direction: Davide Sacco
Dramaturgy: Agata Tomšič
Actors: Younes El Bouzari and Agata Tomšič
Genre: Prose
credits: As the artist-activist Gianluca Costantini has done by proposing to the war journalist Francesca Mannocchi to transform her reportages into a work of graphic journalism, so ErosAntEros turns the powerful images and words of Costantini-Mannocchi into a multidisciplinary performance which creates the chance to meet the eclectic musician Bruno Dorella.
There are three fundamental elements: voice, music and animated drawings.
The theme is the Libya of today, but a different Libya from the one shown on the news and on social media.
more credits: From the book of Francesca Mannocchi e Gianluca Costantini
drawings Gianluca Costantini
with Younes El Bouzari and Agata Tomšič
music and live performance Bruno Dorella
video animations Majid Bita and Michele Febbraio
Tewa’s voice Hanen Shushan
A story about Libya, Libya the real one, that of the Libyans of the queues outside the banks to get a currency that no longer has value. The Libya of the boys who fought against the Gheddafi regime and now regret it, that of the mothers standing at the window waiting for the children who will not return, the elderly who have gone through decades of dictatorship, that of ordinary people who suffer every day and live perpetually in terror.
A show born from the Cura Residency Project (promoted by sixteen theaters throughout Italy) with a strong civic commitment and high aesthetic value that combines three elements: voice, music and animated drawings. A scientific research that has also given rise to a comic book that wants to reach different audiences through history.
For a decade the Libyan question has divided public opinion. White or black, full or empty, all or nothing… But the reality is more complicated: we need to know it.
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